Welcome to Grace Community Church San Francisco
A Non-Denominational Christian Church

Join us for Worship, Sundays, 11:30 AM. Details.

We encounter God in word, music, readings, prayers, drama and personal sharing as we gather together each week. Our focus is on seeking, experiencing and serving God alongside one another. We seek to follow Jesus and the way of life that he showed us of grace, love, mercy and peace.

Our purpose is to value people the way  Jesus values them—sharing, ministering, giving to all those needing help in body or spirit, and becoming friends for the journey. We desire to use our gifts, talents and interests, as we serve human kind and care for our planet. Our actions and activities during the week are purposed toward living Christ-like lives. We engage the power of the Holy Spirit to assist us in this goal.

We know that God uses the small, broken and overlooked things of this world to display his glory, and reveal his plan. We look for God’s presence in our lives, our Church and our world.

As we follow Jesus, our lives and, hopefully, everything and everyone we touch are transformed.